Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

    Chingwen Cheng

  • Assistant Professor
  • Chingwen Cheng
  • School of Design
  • https://design.asu.edu/our-faculty?dept=148427&query=*:*
  • Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
  • Tempe, Arizona 85281
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Current research applies resilience and environmental justice theories to investigate climate justice and social-ecological vulnerability at national, regional, and local scales. In addition, Dr. Cheng employs GISand hydrological modeling to evaluate green infrastructure performance for their ecosystem services benefits and adaptive capacity to climate change. More over, Dr. Cheng investigates social-intitutional resilience throuh conducting interviews and surveys to understand the link between climate risk perception and adaptation actions across institutional scales. In turn, Dr. Cheng bring the science-informed knowledge into transdiciplinary-engaged planning and design process with comunities toward resilience and sustainability.

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